23 April, 2022

Stickhood: My new sticks


While out in the bush I had the plan to renew my stickhood. 

I was after a stem  of Spotted Gum as I knew the species and was much taken with its attributes. 

It sure whittled up better than I expected. And now, my sticks-to-hand have spirit and identity. 

After whittling back the bark, sanding and selectively burning, I coated the wood with 'Bat Butter' which is used on cricket bats.

07 March, 2022

Green Leaf Powder

I grow a range of different greens. These leaves have awesome nutritional attributes.
But the problem is either finding an excuse to add them to the menu or their taste or texture sabotages my desire to eat them.

06 March, 2022

Indian Club Hankerings.

Despite whatever impinges on my progress, I am slowly mastering the genre routines I aspire to.
You know I do the stick work -- Biangun/Whip Rod -- and teach it-- but I also have Indian Club hankerings.

13 February, 2022

Biangan in the Park with Dave


Since we last spoke, I have collected half a dozen students for my hanbo form.

I teach it every week  in a local park.

Great venue -- under a roof shelter on a large cement slab.

The dojo.

In the class I teach health-wand first -- then tackle the form.

Seems to work as they keep coming back.

14 January, 2022

I listen to a lot of jews harp / jaw harp music. Who da thought there'd be so much of it on Spotify.
Eastern European and Turkic cultures are the keenest twangers with the Scandinavians not far behind.
As a player focused on the Vietnamese dan moi I'm an aficionado of a side branch of the whole shebang.

10 January, 2022

Sunday Arvo Đàn môi.

After doing the practice thing --usually every time  before I lay thee down to sleep -- I'm beginning to make mouth moving gains with the Đàn môi Jawharp.

Since I've reprised my interest in frame drumming, I cut two tracts and did a rough combo. I guess I've found my voice -- articulating in a suck and blow sense. 

There are so many pleasures to be had from playing these wee things.

31 December, 2021

Biangan Anyo by the Sea -- New Years Eve, 2021

Out walking the dogs and used my biangan whip rod to perform a couple of anyos -- routines, katas....

12 December, 2021

Eschima Anyo

I'm no longer proceeding with my study of Arnis/Eschima/Kali -- Filipino Martial Arts (FMA)-- because I'm addicted to bigger sticks.

So here's a video of the sort of single stick interplay.

I still love this sort of interaction, and advancing with a kali stick like this is a lot of fun and always creative when doing it freestyle.
If you are considering taking up a martial art(something I recommend unconditionally), I reckon FMA is the bees knees.