16 August, 2007

A million steps in 85 days!

You can get a great trade off by scootering hither and yon so that your "steps" get rachetted up such that
.DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!! Start Date: 24th May ..........2007 Progress steps:1,000,205 (over 85 days, 85 with steps entries) .......Average steps per day: 11,767 ......DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!! Start Date: 24th May ..........2007 Progress steps:1,000,205 (over 85 days, 85 with steps entries) .......Average steps per day: 11,767 ......DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!! Start Date: 24th May ..........2007 Progress steps:1,000,205 (over 85 days, 85 with steps entries) .......Average steps per day: 11,767 .......