03 March, 2009

Book Review: Strength Training for Seniors


My review

rating: 3 of 5 stars
I've made it a habit to read a few exercise books. The practice of exercise has changed so much that it is hard to keep up with best world practice. My complication is that I'm 60 years old and suffering from Fibromyalgia so the standard approach of most texts to get you to work long and hard is not something I want to do.

Michael Kekete on the other hand tackles the topic of exercise -- especially strength training exercise -- very differently from the pack.

His approach is formatted by the consideration that 'seniors' aren't as macho capable as other populations. This of course suits me fine.

However only a small section of the book focuses on the exercises themselves , the rest is about exercising, muscles, exertions, commitment and training plans.

So the business of exercise -- what it does and the sort of protocols you need to monitor -- are clearly explained.

I guess this approach puts you in control because you get to be in the know and then you can decide how you need to proceed.

Clearly written and always focused, this is a very useful exercise tool even for those who aren't over 60.

View all my reviews.