I don't know how long it has been since I did a thorough at home workout.The regime I had aspired to for the last two years had been
- one half hour of exercise
- daily
This didn't include walking hither and yon or kickbiking.
An indication of how challenged I've been is that I've not done anything like that in the past 4 months. But today I managed a session lasting 15 minutes which comprised:
- rope skipping
- kettlebells
In the past I had done some bag work with the gloves on to make up a full half hour workout -- but today...I wasn't up to that.
The standard kettlebell routine I am now managing comprises:
- Kettlebell Double arm swing - 1 set x 15 reps
- Kettlebell Single Arm Swing - 2 set x 15 reps
- Kettlebells Power Cleans - 2 set x 10 reps
- Kettllebell Snatch -- 2 set x 15 reps
..using my single 16kgm kettle bell.
I also like to do Tabata Squats (pic right)as part of my session but did not do them today .
And that's it. My aim is basically to do the rope skipping > KettleBells > Tabata Squats > boxing bag work daily for a half hour. It's hard to keep up , but for days on end sometimes I can do it. I try to sneak around my protesting body by slipping in short sessions of these sets a few times each day. But you know, you get forgetful...and lazy.
And sometimes I take pain killers so I can do it. And sometimes the exercise is a pain killer.(but not always can I rely on those endorphins).
And each Friday at 9.30am I go to my gym -- Northside Boxing -- and have a session with my trainer for 30 minutes. At those times I try to work on my form . I do three rounds boxing the focus mitts. That's always the regular item. After that it's a bit eclectic. But this year my aim is to be able to do chin ups unassisted. -- just as last year I wanted to master rope skipping.
And maybe sometime -- in a year's time -- I'll get into the ring for a light bout.
For now though I gotta move forward: today, 15 minutes. Tomorrow the whole dam world!
(I'm thinking of Atlas)