30 December, 2009

The Tired garden in Summer

 From top left, clockwise know your fruits and veg: 
Kankong;Purslane;Ceylon Spinach;Snake beans ;Pepino;Tamarillo.

With the heavy rains -- a true 'Wet' -- the Tired Garden is waking.

The figs, mango, tamarillo, pepino, and tomato are ripening. The banana (lady finger of course), passionfruit and pawpaw are shooting skywards. The snake beans are throwing out green snakes and the zuchini has to be watched and quickly harvested so that the squashes don't get as big as footballs.

But the salad greens are struggling and we're left with Climbing (Ceylon/Malaba) Spinach and the ever faithful Kangkong for greens. But the grasshoppers love their Kangkong. But working at the chlorophyll carbon face is the much neglected purslane

The tomatoes are dealing with domestic fungal issues but the wee fruiting ones are laying down colour. Chokoes are on a growth spurt and the new papaws plantings may be -- cross fingers -- more female than male.

The Thai basil fronts for the herbs and at home in bright red , Cayenne chillies fruit once more to see out  the year of 2009 -- during which they gave so much.

Images for descriptive and horticultural purposes. The actual plants in situ look a lot different.