10 March, 2010

Handline fishing

I've developed a specialty interest in handline fishing. Using light gear and by wading into local salt water estuaries. My appraoch is similar to fly fishing for trout. My rig is very portable .  I rely on soft plastic lures and use a creel to a carry my gear, strung over my shoulder. All I need do is  pick up my gear and go.And once on the shoreline strtr working an area by wading and moving across the sandbanks to work the shallows and drop offs.I always wear shoes because of stingrays and stonefish.

With the streamline handline (pictured above) I can cast > 10 metres  using various underarm techniques and devious weighing mechanisms.

When my coracle is launched I'll be able to cover a larger area and with that utilize  my other handline -- the Waycool Kyak Handline (below)-- without having to rely on casting.

Best resource: Handline Fishing (Singapore)