29 April, 2010

How to ride a scooter? Scooters and riding techniques

The Mibo Scooter company offers this DIY in Czech. I got it roughly translated into English I'll try to edit it over the next few days so that its syntax is improved. Access the original in Czech here--KITTLEROVÁ, S.: The application cycle for the visually impaired. Prague, 2006. 120 s..

Scooters and riding techniques

How to ride a scooter

Below describes how to ride a scooter, as it worked Sarka Kittlerová In my thesis application cycle for the visually impaired in 2006.
We believe that the extensive processing of the issue you will find your beginners as well as sports enthusiasts, including racers cycle.
On our website we publish the above Theses by 102-118, which is devoted to technology, driving on a scooter.
Please note that all text and images can be further disseminated and used with proper citing the source!(KITTLEROVÁ, S.: The application cycle for the visually impaired. Prague, 2006. 120 s. The thesis at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Charles University. Thesis Supervisor Sasha Bartůňková)

Technology driving the scooter

Ride the scooter at first glance seemingly simple and need not be what it is to learn. But in every sport pays what ABC says in its cycle and Hannu Vierikko (online) that an optimal technology saves energy and allows for maximum power.

The basic position of the scooter

Základní postoj na koloběžce
Correct basic position is an important prerequisite for a well-conducted driving technique. Position of the slider design greatly determines scooters, especially its size, so any description of the technology cycle will be based on the use of scooters with a large front wheel. Scooter position should be relaxed. The rider stands with one foot on the running-board (prop leg) and second (broad, reflective leg) has the next steps, at the foot level. Both legs are slightly bent. Handlebar grip should be shoulder-width apart, elbows and hands in semiflexi in the forearm (to avoid wrist extension). It stands on the whole sole of foot prop, as in normal standing and on the hands, the rider relies only slightly. The fuselage is slightly kyfotizován, head and torso extension staring at the horizon.Technology running on the activities of a scooter

Own technology driving the scooter can be divided according to business drivers:

1st Passive - rider exerts any move to grant a forward speed of a scooter, but uses the situation - the gradient, excess kinetic energy, wind, etc.
2nd Live - Rider performs the movement, usually circular, which gives the speed scooter.

Passive ride on a scooter

For passive driving is characterized by efforts to deliver the best possible position and thereby maximize the situation. From the perspective of riding techniques, there may arise two situations: downhill and braking.

Downhill on a scooter

When you exit the forward movement of the rider usually uses its conversion to kinetic energy potential.
For the implementation of performance is characteristic of an effort to take a position that the rider up to reduce all passive resistance, the best to exploit its potential energy to reach the highest possible speed. For this reason, will be slightly different positions depending on the solution scooters, especially the ratio of rental and used coats.
In terms of safety is probably the best position with both feet on the running-board. As stated Zdarek (2005), it is a downhill position, mainly used in long downhill.
Sjezdový postoj na koloběžce
Attitude is relaxed, legs slightly flektovány based on the inaugural board of diagonal peaks in the direction of travel. Both hands were tightly holding the handlebars, his fingers are on alert to stop pákách. To improve aerodynamics (especially by reducing the front section) and consequently reduce the overall resistance can be reduced slightly squat position and greater flexion at the elbows to move the center of gravity slightly forward, thereby better load distribution.
  • The advantage is a good center of gravity and ease the transition to stall.
  • The disadvantage is asymmetrical, confident cornering, on the one hand, goes "over the top" and the other "over heels". We also need to change the position of the feet when moving to or from active driving.
In short gatherings are more widely used position with one foot on the running-board. It is more or less a ride in the basic position.
Sjezdový postoj na koloběžce
Stance should be relaxed again, props leg slightly flektovaná is a facet of steps, the other is lightly pressed against the prop, where the inner edge based on the footboard. Both hands hold the handlebars firmly, his fingers are on alert to stop pákách. Free leg should always be within the curve. To reduce resistance is possible here to go to crouch more flektovanými elbows. When used in a long downhill leg to be props changed.
  • The advantage is easy to capture the position is not needed in the transition between passive and active movement to change the position of the feet on the running-board.
  • The disadvantage is jednooporový and thus less stable standing.
Downhill racing positions are translated to the legs. This is a demanding position, both the stability and management. Use it in the first athletes who do their best to capitalize on their potential energy. Implementation, as the Zdarek (2005), comes from Finland. Individual drivers can not use today in various guises.
Sjezdový postoj na koloběžce
The competitor stands on the free foot instep and toes props, while the free leg leg leg leg crosses in front prop (knee, free leg is located on the contralateral side). Both legs while squatting, so that the horizontal bent chest touching the handlebars. The athlete's arm bent at the elbows and folded under the body, which is gravity transferred substantially forward. "For better arm under the body composition of Finns recommended grip handlebars or even podhmatem překřížením hands, which is apparently somewhat more difficult to coordinate, but can get used to this." (Zdarek, 2005)
  • Drawbacks of this approach has a number. First, it is very difficult to balance and control. Moreover, in such a position can not practically impede, as it has been flip scooters.
  • The only, but for all the top athletes is an advantage to justify the effectiveness of such a position. The interviews revealed that the position of the legs are compiled with competitors able to shift its maximum speed of about 10-15 km / hr, ie. on suitable terrain around the border 90 km / hr.

Braking on a scooter

During braking, the driver tries to take a position, where possible, to maximize passive resistance. Above all, try to place the center of gravity so as to make best use of brake.
Brždění na koloběžce
Position when braking based on the downhill position. The position of the feet onto the running board in the first phase change. Propnutím arm to almost full extension (elbows not locked) and a slight shrug of the current leg of gravity rider passed over the rear wheel axis. Inhibit both brakes in a way that prevented the wheels from locking.With decreasing speed when there is already tumbling scooters due to the effect the front brakes, the rider gradually vzpřimuje.
When stopping, they drop one leg just above the surface (at about prop feet), while on her dobrždění došlápne and transfer weight.

Reflection on a scooter

For the award of forward speed are used reflecting one foot, which is maintained in parallel alongside the footrests. Hands free to hold handlebars and elbows are bent slightly. If done properly, is a reflection of the foot in contact with the base only its front part, and no pronounced pokrčování elbows. Reflection should be relaxed, while maintaining a balance of prop leg.
In describing the practice of passing a motion to divide into two cycles at each other continuously successive phases: a reflection of a journey and each stage we divide the total to five physical elements that blend together and can not be unambiguously terminated.
The variant is the least difficult to implement and balance. Props during the cycle leg is still a space for the running-board. The basic version consists of the following features implemented:
  • Preparation for reflection - from the basic position is reflective leg slightly forward at about the level of the axis of the front wheels, while slightly flektovaná at the knee and plantar flexion at toe. Prop leg moves in nearly full extension. Body center of gravity is shifting forward. After reaching the "extreme" position, the reflective leg starts to move backward, props flektuje slightly at the knee and body center of gravity moves backward. Reflex foot prepares to došlap and subsequently reflected by pulling the tip of the tibia.
  • Reflection - begins when passing feet. The došlapu occurs at, or slightly behind the prop legs. Reflective leg during rebound tightens the hip, knee and ankle joints and also leads to displacement scooter forward.
  • Swing leg work - after the completion of reflection zašvihne reflective leg backwards and upwards, and will semiflexi knee and plantar flexion of the complete tips. After a brief rest is actively vykývnuta forward, back to the basic position. Simultaneously lift and slightly propíná prop leg.
  • Movements of the body - during one cycle of body movement exercises in the horizontal (sagittal) and vertical direction. Adequately the extent of movement of the torso is to extend the rebound. The body seemed to rebound slightly considered. Movement should be based on the hip and shoulder joints, not the elbow. Range of motion is indeed evident, but not great. Achieving extreme positions does the increased demands on balance and not to maintain direction.
  • Horse - rider after the completion of the rebound will remain briefly in the "holubičce, use the ideal situation, where the minimum drag. Then followed by straightening of the current by shifting the emphasis of the body forward and preparing for further reflection or replacement feet.
Odraz na koloběžce
Variant with an emphasis on the frequency - is more difficult to coordinate. This applies in particular for driving uphill. Normally when using this technique, demanding replacement of the feet, the so-called vault or vault modified, thus increasing its intensity. The individual elements are represented as follows:
  • Preparation for reflection - from the basic position is reflective leg forward, and only about the length of the foot. Props are almost propne, where it made a small heel raises on top. Body center of gravity is almost neposunuje. Reflective leg begins almost immediately move back and prepare to došlap followed by reflection, while prop flektuje slightly at the knee.
  • Reflection - starts about a foot prop legs. Reflective leg moves in hip and knee extension, the tip goes into plantar flexion. Prevailing labor ankle. They are short and impulsive touch, as if on a hot stove.
  • Swing leg work - after the completion of reflection, given the minimal inertia force acting on the reflecting leg, is almost immediately to start pulling back into the active base position, then onward and upward. In return there is a slight flexion of the hip and knee and toe returns to the basic position. Simultaneously lift and slightly propíná prop leg.
  • Movements of the body - during one cycle of body movement exercises in the horizontal and vertical direction. Vertical motion prevails. The decisive factor is the size of the pulse but the frequency, in order to achieve what nejplynulejšího movement (in terms of changes in forward speed), because the movements are less pronounced.
  • Ride - After reflection, the rider tries to quickly return to the basic position to launch further reflection.Travel time is shortened up so that there was only a minimal variation in forward speed during the cycle.
Jizda na koloběžce
Variant with an emphasis on maximizing the transmission pulse (race) - is very demanding on coordination, balance, strength and endurance riders. Is consistently applied only in cycle racing. Its less demanding modifications according to their abilities and the current situation is used by most drivers. Features reflective technology racing look like this:
  • Preparation for reflection - from the basic position of moving reflective leg up, there is a large flexion of the hip and knee, the rider while gently rises to the top prop legs. No full heel raises, as too straining calf muscles and is worth less stable, especially when crossing inequality. Elbows in extension. Reflective leg is in an extreme position, knee and pulled in the highest peak in dorsal flexion. Body position and thus the center of gravity is determined by the position of the foot prop legs spread and hands on the handlebars.After reaching the "extreme" positions reflective leg launches the second part of the preparations for reflection švihovým motion. The angle of the knee joint is open and relaxed leg is directed slightly forward.The whole foot is advancing above the hip extensor and the maximum gains momentum. Simultaneously with the movement of the knee stepping foot down torso is slightly forward bending, thus speeding up stepping foot even more help. Foot must be in slight dorsal flexion and the foot prop, or a level to reflect the tip was performed. Pat props feet back on the footplate and knee passes in semiflexi. Throughout the swing is to accelerate the momentum obtained could then be used for reflection.
  • Reflection - the impact of peak begins just before stepping foot prop legs. Followed propnutí entire lower extremity and "lay" in the rebound. At the same time there is a transfer of weight on the heel props his feet (even with some riders to peel off the tip of the foot of the step) and forward displacement scooters. For well-done is a reflection characteristic of an explosive performance at the conclusion of a significant work of foot and ankle. As simply stated Zdarek (2005), "the longer the path reflection, the reflection is more efficient because a greater pulse power corresponds to higher velocity. Is not uncommon for athletes encounter with the impression that if the influence of reflection scooter jumps and especially when starting off.
  • Swing leg work - after the completion of reflection zašvihne reflective leg backwards and upwards, while there is a slight knee flexion and plantar flexion of the ankle completion. After a brief rest is actively vykývnuta forward into the basic position. Simultaneously lift and slightly propíná prop leg. In the following reflection is used for inertial energy highlighting the first part of preparations for reflection.
  • Movements of the body - during one cycle of body movement exercises in horizontal and vertical direction.Range of motion hull helps extend the reflection and thus to increase momentum which carries a scooter rider (Zdarek, 2005). Range of motion is high, trunk to rebound strongly considered. When driving at high speed is the body ultimately zášvihu nearly parallel to the plate. Movement based on the hip and shoulder joints, not from the elbow.
  • Ride - after completing the rider uses the reflection of ideal body positioning - "dove" in which the minimum drag. Some remain there until the beginning of the next cycle. Residence time in the position, however, depends on the skills of riders, profile and track current conditions. Then followed by active straightening (forward displacement of the body center of gravity) and preparation for further reflection or replacement feet.
Jizda na koloběžce
Racing is a variant of the reflection elaborated Žďárek (2005), based on research conducted in Finland, details the various stages, including the involvement of muscle groups.
For proper implementation of the racing variant under reflection Žďárek (2005), among other things essential:
  • initiation and execution reflects only the forefoot
  • instrumental work in the body reflection
  • muscle relaxation stepping foot in time reflects
  • avoid transmission of stiff legs forward to humiliate přednožení
  • avoiding excessive pokrčování arms at the elbows
  • avoiding excessive lateral deflection in the vertical axis.

Replacing the foot scooter

Changing leg serves to alternate reflective and mechanical legs while driving to avoid overloading the musculoskeletal unilaterally. Incorporates the site of a rebound. The frequency is "a very individual matter, and each rider rotates as it suits him best" (Zdarek, 2005). The exchange is performed in two ways, the constant contact with lower limb scooter (dialing), or without a permanent contact (vault). Both have their modification and are mentioned only those which I consider essential. In any case, the exchange of feet on the running-board do not control the eyes, but watch the traffic (Vierikko, online).
Výměna nohou na koloběžce
The opening exchanges after dialing is complete reflection of the basic position. Rider transfers weight to the heel props his feet and a light top dials externally. Tip of the free leg placed on the vacant seat on the steps and transferred all his weight on that leg, so this becomes a prop. Now been completely relaxed, new free leg, leaving the running board and mechanical leg dotočí around the tip so that the entire slab rested on the running-board.Upon completion of the exchange, the rider is in the basic position. Usually followed, if the exchange was inserted between reflections, the basic variant of reflection, or a shortened modification of the initial phase as when riding uphill.
Výměna nohou na koloběžce
Some prefer dialing the exchange, which starts at the top and free foot placed on the footplate heel. In order to transmit and release parts of the feet is the difference in performance. It only depends on the riders, the modifications that suits him.
  • The advantage of the exchange by dialing its easy implementation. Through constant contact with the step is too difficult to balance and even the precise execution.
  • The disadvantage is the need to include the exchange instead of reflection, which to some extent affects ride smoothness. Change the rider will feel especially when driving against resistance, such as when climbing up a steep hill or ride against the wind.
Exchange hop is more difficult to coordinate and balance, and accuracy of performance, because it benefited only experienced koloběžkáři. The opening of the exchange is nearing completion swing work and achievement of the basic position. Props foot made a slight reflection from the step it out (on their side). During the flight phase will be to strengthen the upper body. Originally a free leg swing while completing the work and influence of "bounce" props his feet on the footboard došlapuje, making it the props. The second leg reflection carried practically without any preparation, like a reflection of the hill.
Jízda na koloběžce
Able-bodied drivers are able to more effectively modified vault, which starts a little earlier. Reflection is larger, which will extend the flight phase. The original prop leg, from which it becomes reflective, is now more forward to a similar position as in the basic variant of reflection. After the initial došlápnutí stepping foot on the running board, making it the props, followed by reflection.
  • A significant advantage of the exchange leg hop is minimal disruption to the rhythm and thus the flow of motion.
  • Is regarded as a disadvantage the fact that their implementation is quite demanding on coordination, balance and accuracy performance. Especially on uneven terrain can be dangerous to jump exchange. When bad došlapu the footboard or the full minutes, especially at high speeds, usually followed by a fall.

Cornering on a scooter

For cornering behavior is characterized by a rider, and it does not matter whether it is running passive or active.Rider nevyklání body center of gravity outside the longitudinal axis of the scooters, but are tilted with a scooter.Free leg should be on the inside corner, an active drive to the influence of extending the reflection angle.
On a scooter, which can not sit, is difficult to signal the change of driving while veer. This can only be done in strengthening the entire body and hard standing on the running-board.
Processing technology cycle has been consulted with CSK