10 July, 2010

Preparing to go offshore: island life self sufficiency

Up there among life's most stressful experiences is supposedly moving house. So far I have no complaints about the experience , but then I haven't as yet 'moved'.

But moving house is about getting rid of one place and preparing to go to another. It's the getting rid thereof that takes up my time now.

As we go about our daily chores in this matter you have to project yourself schematically forward in time in order to decide how much of the stuff you've got now will be at home and useful in the future abode.

I live with a hoarder so I need say no more in regard to what would be my philosophical preference. I also don't know exactly at this moment where I'll be going.

It will be an island in the southern reaches of Moreton Bay and while I hope it is one particular spot with house on Lamb Island that's not as yet contracted.

No yet.

But the context is very clear; anything that comes onto or goes off the island has to go by boat. With one crappy shop on Lamb Island (although shopping is good next door on Macleay and Russell Islands) the question of self sufficiency comes to mind? How prepared am I to make do?

I don't see 'self sufficiency' as a principle  but I'm skilled and prepped to make all of life's cuisine essentials:
  • my own bread (I do now)
  • my own beer (I do now)
  • my own yogurt (I do now)
  • my own sausages (I do now)
As well as grow a good range of vegetables and fruits (I do now). Thats' not why I'm doing this mind. The self sufficiency requirement  is secondary to the main impetus. I'm under a make do imperative .

But you see, all I need day to day is milk for my tea...(I gotta have that). And meat and fish: shop one/seahunt the other.

With town water and electricity I'm not going off the grid in a feral sense.I've also already checked out web access : ADSL I .

I can live with that.

How  feral I become after that remains to be seen. But I won't be able to rely on nicking down to the shop or wheeling a trolley into Coles or Woolies to stock up.