20 August, 2010

Pushing the Mibo Folding Scooter around the block a few times : Review

Since I have had the opportunity to push the Mibo 'Comfort'  Folding scooter for about 5 kilometres around the neighborhood I can proceed with some more first impressions and observations.


Obviously it is a small scooter but with 12.5 inch tires it isn't as small as the Razor style scooters with their micro wheels.

'Smaller' is , of course an advantage in regard to portability. Since the steering column is set it cannot be raised much higher than how you see it in the accompanying image. If you did the scoot would be weirdly pivoted, like  controlling a marionette and the fold could not be compacted within the body length.

So the smaller size compared to my kickbike means I have to push it differently.  I need to crouch a little, drop the elbows and lower the hips while bending the knees. This is perhaps closer to bicycling than kickbiking.

Since Ii'm not used to this position, after three kilometres I got a twinge in my lower back. But thats' because its' a new scooting position for me.

However --says he in retrospect -- the Germans sell a more expensive version of the Mibo *-- with a 16 inch front tire: Mibo Master Folding Folding scooter  -- which means, of course, you get an extra 3 inch/9 cm rise on the front stem and handlebars.
Mibo Master Folding Scooter with pneumatic tires (in red: comparative figures for Mibo Comfort)
The most robust and fastest-folding scooter on the market, up to 150 kg payload (100kgm)
Tires 16 "/ 12.5" (12.5")
Load max. 150kg (100kgm)
Handlebar height: max. 97cm, depending on the inclination (86cm)
Footboard Height: 7.5 cm ( 6.5 cm)
Ground clearance: 5.5 cm ( 4.5 cm)
Wheelbase: 96cm ( 88cm)
Length 130cm (118 cm)
Folded: 100cm x 48cm (103x43x13)
Weight 9.9 kg without fenders (9kg)
Price:€300 EUR without postage. I   landed mine on Australian soil with extras from 
Gizmania  for €241 EUR.
 Traction and Glide

The wheels are much broader than a kickbike's so they do  hug the road or pavement. Nonetheless, I cannot get as fast as I can on a kickbike nor can I get as many metres per kick. It takes more effort to travel a set distance I think but that may be because the experience is novel and I need to skill up.

After scooting for a few ks I wondered how the Czechs push these small style scooters thousands of kilometres across continents! Practice I guess. It is nonetheless a comfortable ride, much easier and more ergonomic than pushing a  Razor.

And safer!

Kick and cadence

Since the scooter has a smaller frame, if you are used to throwing your leg well forward to increase drive from your kicks -- or if you were over 6 feet tall -- then you may have problems developing and sustaining an easy cadence.  I find that if I adjust my pull back on the handlebars I can reach well forward with planting my foot on the ground/road and still  get plenty of thrust. To do that with each leg , however, I can lift them to just  below the handlebars without any discomfort. A taller person -- and I'm 5ft 8 inches -- would need to crouch more.[Mibo recommends that the cut off rider height is 5'9".]


It may be an odd judgement to make but what disappointed me most about the Mibo Folding scooter thus far was it's confused centre of gravity when I lift the scooter up. On the kickbike there's a handy sweet spot which makes portage up stairs an easy grab. With this scooter theres' no easy grip-- no accessible fulcrum .

So far I've found the best lift up and down stairs  is to carrying it with both hands on the handlebar grips.

Since the machine is designed for carrying or storing  while folded folded -- and can  be ordered with its own carry bag -- lifting the thing has to be seen as relative to the big transit picture.
UPDATE 25 Aug: I've since located a handy place to grip just above the MIBO banner on the frame where it divides  to form two struts. The one above carries the word 'KOMFORT' and the opening  between the two struts more or less is a comfortable carrying point.
Do I look silly?

Do I care? I know an 85 year old woman who pushes a Razor micro scooter around a retirement village**. I think scooters rule! You may not be in sync with the cafe latte road bike set in their gaudy  jerseys. But when you scoot around town,  you sure know that it's all your own work getting there.

Gearing ratios are for wimps!

But when you dwarf the machine like Rubeus Hagrid, and you ain't no teenager... heads are gonna turn. Are you up to it?

** PS: I think it's dangerous what she does because micro scooters will tip on the smallest bump or stone.

Next review: Folding the scooter