17 February, 2011

“Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια” -- the joys of wine as pain killer

When I first fell ill with Fibromyalgia 25 very long years ago I soon enough learnt that the best analgesia for the pain and stiffness was alcohol.

I taught myself the DIY therapy that a copious intake of wine at the end of a crippling do-nothing day would guarantee that on the morrow I'd be mobile. I could function more or better because of the overnight intake.

After years of into body experience I can only confirm the efficacy of my early prognosis. 

Wine works wonders on my bod.


Of course there are a few downsides to its consumption...eg: who likes drunks?

The health giving properties of wine is still the subject of some debate and my deference to its analgesic properties is not a standard reference clause. Nonetheless, it is nice to know that wine is "healthy" in moderation.

In moderation? Tell that to my head sotto voce millilitre by millilitre. "You are becoming healthier... but -- Ooops!--now you are not!"

Controlling my intake of alcohol per se has not been easy. The parameters of its efficacy has always proven hard to sustain.

Given that any drinker will rationalise their consumption both to themselves and others -- the whole question of what may be best for you -- or rather, me -- has to be a topic of some dispute.

I can relate to that. I can be humble and note that bullshit can so easily rule my head.

So after 25 years of it (let alone the years before) -- with the occasional detour to beer consumption -- what can I say?

  1. Drink wine only with meals. Not at other times.
  2. Drink 'house wine' or 'domestic' -- don't get caught up in expensive wine snobbery. Alcohol regardless of source is the same ole same ole.
  3. Find a good cask wine.
  4. Don't drink to ease depression. Drink to enjoy and embrace life, food, taste, existence...
I think I nonetheless often (more often in fact) drink too much by x number of millitres on a day to day basis and I find that my consumption is mood related inasmuch as it has a pain threshold trigger. But how do you weigh up 4 hourly drug analgesia -- that only occasionally works-- with tipples of wine (that always works) instead? I much prefer the heady state wine offers me.

The buzz.

I can feel it like a surge through my body. It's a gross takeover.


“Ἐν οἴνῳ ἀλήθεια”  I value the truth in wine.