02 May, 2011

Paddleski: coming about in a perfect Autumn day

If Jesus walked on the water then I spent a good part of the day dragging myself upon it with my hands. 

I paddled north along the coast at low tide without managing to get more than 50 cm under my bows.

The local bay is shallow plus plus and when the tide is out it is way way out. So keeping enough water under you -- deep enough to dip a paddle blade -- is all about moving further off shore.

But with a very slight breeze from the south east behind me  and a perfect Autumn day all around -- you have to wonder if there was any better option.

When I tired of paddling I simply got out and walked -- wading while dragging the craft behind me with a bungey cord like some canal horse.  That way I navigated the 12 kms , keeping the stingrays company. 

I paddled at more or less walking pace. 

And walked at wading pace...

How did the Paddleski perform, Dave?
I'm glad you asked. Ironically the craft wants to always turn into the prevailing wind and wave. That's handy in the rough perhaps, but not if you want to harness  tracking in your favour over distance. I was experimenting with umbrella sailing and  the paddleski kept wanting to come about. The craft pivots on its back end and while it sits well in the water it has an inbuilt wobble on its axis that you have to keep correcting for. No big deal if you are dipping a blade left and right but the penchant sabotages any sailing option..for now. I may have to rig up some sort of rudder to keep me on course if I want to sail away. Trials throwing out the sea anchor --  sea anchor (materials: 4 shopping bags) -- very well. My sea anchor  'anchors' me as I prefer such that I can cast a few lines...and not come about. 
So I guess, now that my knee is mending that I can train up to cover extended distances while exploiting the low wind days. Instead of footing it about I'll be able to drag myself along the waterways. Pencilled in is coming down the river -- the Caboolture River -- with the outgoing tide. And maybe an extended day trip much farther north to round the point -- Sandstone Point -- and paddle up Pumistone Passage to sup with the kangaroos at Toorbul ...

Today I  paddled to Godwin Beach which used to be known as Dead Man's Beach because the bodies of folk drowned in  local floods used to be washed up there. No corpses today.