28 June, 2011

Everything you wanted to know about eBooks but were too ignorant to ask

The truly great pain about eBookery is the rampant confusion. When you go down the ebook route you are confronted with a plethora of formats, apps and devices such that the seeming straightforward task -- like reading text -- is complicated by boutique obstacles.

And when you get into DRM -- digital rights management -- you are sure to get a digital headache.

Since I am negotiating my own journey on the fly, I've been there and done that as I find my way. 

But here's a tip: MobileRead. With forums and an extensive wiki, MobileRead will lay out a FAQ knowledge base for you with a large engaged community to keep your confusion at bay. The wiki is well worth the visit. 

I subscribe to many  ebook info feeds which you are welcome to subscribe to if you want:
But as they say too much knowledge/too much information can be a bad thing and much ebook discourse seems to be ruled not by literature but gadgetry fetishes. If you want to just read the stuff someone writes then MobileRead is worth the bookmark.