05 September, 2011

I shell/You shell: Getting my body back

Since  I've been under the weather these last -- so many that I cannot recall them -- weeks I have not been able to sustain an exercise regime. 

With a dicky knee I haven't been able to kickbike because I cannot stand on one leg.

The knee also obstructed -- through a ready dash of intense pain -- my kettlebell swing; and the generic pain and stiffness (not to mention the pain in the knee I rocked on) postponed boxing the bag.

Knees will be required to move any time the body above moves. This I have learnt. Sneeze and the knee will move. Turn the head...and the escorting  shoulder ...then the knee will follow. There's no aloneness in the body. No show without Punch. 

But today I completed my first 10 Shell  Workout in yonks.

Hallelujah! He I is risen!

My previous best during this epoch of pain without gain had been 3 shells so I must be on the mend. 

Oh what a whiz it is to notch up those shells! If the  Little Red Engine had to remind itself that "I know I can..." I get to tell myself, "I shell!" Big difference. It becomes personal misspelt law: Thou shell...

Checking my records my last 10 Sheller was six weeks  ago.

So I'm getting my body back...

This may not be 'bouncing back' style but crawling back will do. 

My last sailing attempt on the paddleski was a month ago and the adjustments I have since made to the rig have not been tested. Since my last outing was abortive I need the trials to catch up. 

Oh the frustration of watching the wind come up and knowing that the water waits for me only a short walk away.... if I could but bend my knee enough to sail about.