25 November, 2011

Soul Line Dancing Resources

Sandford Line Dance Club
I seem to have been infected with the dance fever. I didn't expect to be. It just seemed like a good idea at the time.

No planning was involved. I just followed my nose...and feet.

I discovered that with line dancing, here was something that was a physical and mental challenge, was socially fun to do,  and  while also  'creative' , was an engagement I could tackle anytime.

I tell you it's win, win, win.

No downside.

Given my variable and often delicate condition, a line dance can be physically demanding plus plus or simply a routine challenge that would not stress me out.

But do it and you work up a sweat, your pulse rate climbs and your hips let you know they're there.

But since my focus is Soul Line Dancing -- and no one seems to actively teach 'Soul Line Dancing' in Australia, let alone in  my  C and W neighborhood --  I have to inform my own bod as to which way it should move it.

Thank goodness for YouTube.

You wanna dance, my friend,  then go check out YouTube if you wanna learn the steps.

While I have no idea where I am going with this, I created my own customized web page -- Soul Line Dancing -- where I am aggregating the best video how-to of the various online line dance steps and routines. You wanna slide, bounce, wobble, cha cha....then I hope to have the instructional videos to show me how -- you too if you're interested.

When you get into this genre it's pretty clear that among the aficionados all age groups are hooked. All body types are engaged (and with line dance, the very big bod can shake their very big ass as efficiently as the slim and nubile). The main marker is that culturally, most dancers are black...and most dancers have a fantastic good time. 

There are even dancers dancing with walking sticks, hobbling to the left and right seemingly already en route to the cemetery...dancing.

So as I pull all these clips together I get to monitor what fun is out there.