20 March, 2012

After 25 years absence : back running

Running Track
Who woulda thought? 

Not I.

Having started back running -- after 25 years absence -- only last week or so  I ran 5 km today (albeit with a half way respite).

I was cumbersome and heavy footed. But the conditions were on my side. Tide out with a very wide highway to scoot around on . I chose my shallows on impulse and waded deep only when I had to. But under foot it was 'just right'. 

Wind against me -- and maybe I was a so strained that I could not enjoy the ambience as I would have if I was just walking.

Today: jogging. 

Memores kept rushing back of jogs so long ago...

Me, the sea, a few birds -- a huge sky -- and two horses and their riders.