09 June, 2012

Tweaking the Skeg

You fiddle with one thing and  it doesn't work. So I have no choice but to tinker with the craft  'in dry dock'   then re-enter the water, set sail  and see if the rigging performs.  

It's sail and error.

Today the original length of the skeg was too deep so that when I headed out to sea into a brisk easterly I could not turn the craft about. If I hadn't shortened sail I'd now be part way to New Zealand.

My interpretation was that the skeg was just too powerful a directional device. I want better tracking but not so I can't maneuver. I want enough play to hand so that I can navigate with my paddle in a straight line of my choosing.
Fortunately the single blade wooden paddle I'm using is easy to swing across the deck and dip either side of the craft.
I hope that a depth for the skeg blade in the water  exists that will be just right: for tracking and maneuverability.
Here's another plus: the old beer wort barrel I sealed and loaded at rear to carry gear and keep it dry (like a boot of a car) also serves as a comfy back rest for sailing in a semi recumbent position. 
As for bouncing on, and along, the bottom -- the skeg worked a treat in shallow water.Pivoted upwards, its length got in the way of the sail boom but when the shorter version is pivoted out of the water -- for whatever reason -- I hope it won't obstruct when I'm swinging the boom across the deck.

All these variables are visited upon me to test my nautical perseverance. Add to that the cold water and my chilled bum -- and it's fun afloat.

Ahoy there.