03 August, 2012

The Mibo Folding Scooter: gets around, folded and bagged

It has been a while since I considered my dear little Mibo scooter. Not only is the thing small, but it folds in on itself, so it can be a condensed form of commuting hardware.

At 8 kgm it isn't especially light but that's  not the primary issue in way of cartage. Unfortunately, the Mibo isn't a balanced carry and after a distance discomfort can set in. 

This can be a complication if supporting the scooter when traveling on a bus or train or when climbing stairs.

Outside, out and about, the scooter is better riden rather than carried but when folded and 'ported' between scoots I find that it is preferable to bag the scooter rather than let it travel naked.

Although the fold in the scooter locks into place -- and a fiddly lock it is too -- bagging doesn't hold the scooter together so much as wraps  the scooters bits and pieces and protects  its travelling environment. 

When I fold I don't disconnect the handlebars as  I like to quickly assemble the scooter when I complete my bus or train journey. A minute   is all it takes  for me to get going again: a flip and a few flicks; a test to see if the stem is locked into place...and off we go. 

Bagging 'encloses' the  scooter so that it's easier to manage on public transport:

  • to slip under the seat
  • to stand upright leaning against the wall of the train or resting against myself (uncovered , the wheels will roll and the scooter will fall away to the floor).
  • to rest on a seat
  • to keep any grease or water on the scooter from getting on you or fellow passengers or furniture
  • to prevent the scooter from unlocking, popping open and unfolding when you dont want that to happen at all.
I mention this preference of mine because it took me some time to work this out.

Local train regulations specify that folding bicycles can be carried on peak hour services so long as they are folded and bagged. This is a space issue, I'm sure -- as normal bicycles are discouraged from these transit times.  And bikes cannot be carried on buses at all. But then I bus my Mibo no problems.

However, while it may be debatable that the Mibo is a 'folding bicycle' -- as its surface area and weight is much smaller than  folded bikes -- that's not the main reason to bag. 

While bagging makes cartage so much easier, don't go thinking that you need some sort of heavy duty  luggage to carry  the scooter. A simple nylon bag open at one end will suffice so long as it is long enough to cover the scooter up to and over  the handle bars. Bags like that come (or are made) cheap and are easily scrunched up when not in use. That's one piece of nylon folded, and stitched along one side and the bottom.

Think about that: most bike bags are hefty back packs. You don't want that. It's only more gear you'd have to carry. 

I used to use a postal bag but really its weave  was too heavy and it took up too much room when not in use. But nylon -- of the sort they make cheap tents out of -- works fine...and you can tie the bag to the enclosed scooter by pulling some  cord around the bag.

And nylon blends are light,  and can  be scrunched up or wrapped up again and tied onto the  scooter in a neat little package, ready for the next fold.
This week   I scooted my Mibo across town in a trip that extended to 16 km. The Mibo flies sometimes when it's on a roll.  Since the bike path I primarily used for this was busy with other traffic it is an informative comparison    to contrast the Mibo Folding Scooter with other transit means. 
I was certainly faster than runners/joggers but slower than the cyclists. I out paced any walker significantly and did the return trip without respite. I do have the option to get off and walk especially up hills -- but that's par for any scoot out. The Mibo climbs quite well because of it has  smaller wheels than a kickbike. So it is easier to negotiate rises without having to break your cadence.
Also on a scooter like this, when travelling on a shared carriageway it is so very easy to jump off and walk around traffic obstructions -- like feral dogs and small children.
So despite what may have been the contour and the obstructions I was scooting at maybe over 12-15 km per hour. That's over twice  walking pace but less than a bicycle's average speed (ie: over 15 kph) and is an extension of jogging option (average: 8-10kph).I expended more energy, of course than if I had walked it and could have got there faster on a bicycle -- but then who packs up a bike and carries it around where ever?