11 October, 2021

Biangun : Introduction to stick martial arts.


Biangun and Hanbo stick/staff form performed in the TaiChi Chuan style with moves and gestures inspired by Filipino Eschima. Whip staff. Movement awareness. 

I wanted to create a form that was an introduction to stick self defence/martial arts but one that also offered the same centering you can get with training in inner styles of kung fu. I also wanted to expunge the form of Taoist attributes so that its performance relied on the science of body mechanics and physiology rather than 'chi energy' notions. What I am after seems to become more evident in the folk martial arts styles of Biangun followed in North West China -- indeed as far west as the Islamic regions.

Since I perform this form every day a few times I've grown to appreciate it as my body adapts to its mentoring. 

For the Biangun whip stick I am now studying a pragmatic form -- Hand whip stick : Liu Huipu-- which has all the attributes I have learnt to value without the pretensions I abhor. While I've found another I appreciate, I guess as I commit to learning this one I'll become more confident -- enough to customise as I have done with this Hanbo routine. 

And maybe integrate some of the other,..

Liu Huipo's routine takes around 15 minutes to perform and has approximately  120 separate moves -- which I hope to study in blocks of 30. 

The journey of 130 strikes begins with the first one...