31 October, 2021

Us stick men decorate with fire


Petrol Heads will run a speed stripe along the flanks of their beasts, but us stick men decorate with fire.
To burn patterns in one's weapon is the thing in some sectors of the stick fighting universe. Less so among stick walkers.
Different sticks/different patterns.
After yet another oil up and rub, my sticks are ready for daily use.
I love my sticks such that I can relate to witches' fondness for theirs.
I realised this week that I will need to go into the stick making business, as I am likely to teach a course in my own brand of stick artz next year. And, as they say, no sticky no start.
Fortunately I can go el cheapo by harvesting free bamboo...but I see a side career as a stick maker and supplier.
Have stick. Will travel. No postage. Pick up sticks.
While any stick can do, even non-sticks, us stick men can be snobs.