Showing posts with label Audio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Audio. Show all posts

09 July, 2019

Back Podcasting?

Via a confluence of various events I find myself back at an audio and podcast junction.
Haven't done anything like that for 3-4 years after I lost my uploaded mp3 files from Google.
My storage hack let me down.
So listening and recording is now back on my agenda.
I'd been considering making video but there are so many complications with that medium/so many frustrations. Whereas I cut a good audio jib.
Audio is more fun and more sculptural in my hands.
I love the concept of 'SOCIAL Sound Sculptures' that rely on words spoken. 
It's the playwright and thespian in me.
 So The Blather is back.
If I can recover all the files I lost, it will be back even more. 

Studs Terkel's great book of radio interviews -- Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About What They Do  -- has been around for 40 years.

Its  impact has been huge because it re-invented oral history by celebrating everyday labour and elevating everyone's working life to a shared collective experience we all must, in our own way, negotiate.

Inspired so many years ago by Terkel, The Blather -- instead of pursuing  celebrity chit chat (not that the big whigs would talk to us) -- will occasionally share interviews with folk talking about their lives or their workaday week.

'Vox Pop' refers to the  Latin proverb, Vox populi, vox Dei which translates as "The voice of the people [is] the voice of God".

Since no one else listens to us peeps nowadays, maybe The Blather should.

The first Blather VOX POP is a chat with Kyle, a geriatric nurse.

(Duration: 11:41 — 12.6 MB)

05 April, 2010

AUDIO:On road cycling

With a dramatic increase in cycling, comes a plethora of new safety issues on the roads. Doctors, politicians, planners and cyclists agree it will mean changing the way we design, govern and use our roads. Reporter Diane Martin.