12 November, 2011

Paper Canoeing

Still fiddling. 

Made up another canoe model to check out the way the Quick Canoe sheets of plywood come together ...again.

Cut it wrong and the jigsaw build doesn't work.

Nonetheless, the 4.7m 'may' support my 3 metre/45 degree angle mast and sail without being determined to tip. I was surprised how little lateral fall I could get by pushing the mast -- a pair of sate sticks -- left and right.

Quick Canoe Flickr sets
If I cut the panels correctly -- and each side and the bottom of the hull is made up of two template panels each which are then abutted and joined -- then anything else in way of wood is a fixture: thwarts, keel, mini decks, etc.  The magic of the design lies with the plywood cuts and the addition of a keel. 

If I have stability issues then I add an outrigger. In effect I'd join my Pacific brothers and sisters afloat with an ama  (outrigger float) in tow.

What I'm interested in doing is merging the advantages of a pirogue -- shallow water canoeing, stable deck, carrying capacity, easy cheap build -- with what I have so far learnt about sailing in shallow coastal waters among shoals and the odd bit of chop. 

At just under 5 metres long and with a flat bottom this canoe is a sleepover (with the sail as a shelter).