18 December, 2011

More sweat in the lower limb department

I don't mean to go one and on but... I am beginning to register some choreography in the lower limb department.

After mastering -- at least in my  crude fashion -- the Zydeco Bounce -- (an easy dance)

I can now dance the line dance that got me turned onto Soul Line Dancing in the first place , the Zydeco Shuffle. If you can't shuffle you can't Zydeco.

For a slower version and oh so smooth , you moderate the 'shuffle' and make it more a slide.

My current project is a more up tempo and vigorous Slide:

I then have a couple of Zydeco dances choreographed in Texas, like the L'Argent -- which straddle Zydeco and Hip Hop styles -- to tackle before trying to master a cute , almost Rap fusion based on and remixed from a Chris Ardoin tune, the Mo Bounce:

I then would be well set up to broaden out my repertoire to embace some of the kick ass Soul routines coming out of Philadelphia and some of the Stomp syncopations from further south (eg: Florida). It would be at this stage that I could begin to dance more Funk -- some James Brown moves for instance (eg: the James Brown Slide).

Maybe...maybe en route I can form a local club to dance this stuff. That's the game plan, you see: add to the line with sweaty bodies.