20 December, 2011

USLD: 'Urban Soul Line Dancing' -- the name maybe says it all

We were having a chat here at la maison Dave about a name that we could deploy to label  our shared line dance preference. We wanted a descriptive name that would distinguish the style from stereotypical country line dancing.

It seems the preferred term is "soul" as that marks off the music -- but then the dances run into hip hop as well as dancing to  James Brown and Jill Scott. But nowadays everything seems to embrace hip hop. This creative fusion is exciting:popping meets the stomp meets the hustle meets the slide... Even Zydeco (which is a rural dance/music form albeit very syncopated) hip hops. (FYI: Zydeco is very richly experimental and Nourveau Zydeco even embraces Reggae ).

So instead of relying on one word -- 'soul' -- we thought we'd also utilise the other marker: 'urban'. Thus
Urban Soul Line Dancing
Does that work, do you think? Does it tick enough boxes?

So if we were to form a local club and hold regular dance nights and call the activity thus.... the penny would drop, right? In a fashion at least.

Not cowpoke stuff. Not Zumba. Not ballroom. Not night clubbing. Nor aerobics....But a form that has a distinct musical preference.

I'm sure any potential network here would maybe balk at the mention of Hip Hop. But the game there is to do the hip hoppity thing without the gymnastics. Stay off the floor and don't try to dislocate your major joints for the sake of  showing off. Hip Hop for the more mature dancer. The arthritic. The dancer low on hormones. 

Just so long the zen rule applies: sweat happens.