28 December, 2011

New video camera means more and better videos...in time

After neglecting my digital media options I am now back doing the videography after being given a very cheap, refurbished Kodak Zi6 (pictured). 

Amazing little camera that shoots great video.

For my work in progress with the Zi6 check out my video pages .

It's a learning curve -- using the camera and mastering iMovie 11. So for now, if it moves, I shoot it.

Practice. Practice. 

The problem with these little cameras is camera shake. You'll notice the shake in what I've shot early on.  I used to shoot with my DV Camera with a small tripod/monopod strapped to my arm.  But this new video camera is just too light to anchor in space like that, so I've employed the string and washer trick. This DIY works fine. 

It works better than that: it's a photography a-hah! moment.

My camera has a toggle so I loop the string to that with a carabiner clip and drop the other weighted end to the ground...and stand on it.

By anchoring the bottom like this I can pull on the string to create enough tension to stabilize the camera in my hand.

Portable plus.

Once I've learnt to shoot and  not shake the shot I'll work through some audio options.

The camera cost  $63 and at that obscenely cheap  price -- and ease of operation -- anyone should be making movies. (Just so long as you edit the damn things before you upload them...please!)

My daughter wants me to do some video editing training (she works for Apple)  and I think that may be a good idea as editing  is where the art kicks in (so long as you also edit as you shoot).

But looking back at my video making career -- so far that is -- there are a few films that work (for me at least). I love the atmosphere captured in Twilight Carrum Summer 2010 and some of the sequences inPort Philip Bay. I also appreciate some of my political videos for their reportage and focus and I like Northside Boxing because it tells a quaint story.

But you can see how rough as guts so much of it is, especially in the edit.

Give me time....