22 April, 2013

Quick Canoe -- maybe not so 'quick' for some but do-able

I've read the plans for constructing Michael Storer's Quick Canoe many times. But my technical handicap is such that I was not able to comprehend them.

I am not of the DIY persuasion when it comes to wood.

I have had no experience whatsoever -- nor have I been trained -- in carpentry. So my hopes of building a wooden  canoe were  frustrated until I teamed up with my highly skilled and generous neighbour Max.

And Voila! Maybe Max  did the lion's share of the work and maybe Max was the only person who knew what he was doing but the craft looks almost ship shape and Bristol fashion.

Perhaps I could do it again by myself...but then why should I do that? One  canoe is enough. If you know what you are doing, second time around  I'm sure the project would be 'quicker'. 

You need tools I don't have. You need skills based on workshop -- shed - experience I've never been exposed to...but the making of a canoe is indeed a do-able thing.

At least a three sheet plywood canoe like this one..so long as you have a neighbour such as mine.

Ask me how -- I've more or less done it
  1. Move next door to Max.
  2. Say you'll do anything Max wants in payment for his skills and tools: quid pro quo.

There may be two kinds of people in the world: those who can hammer in a nail -- and those who can't. I'm in the latter company. I have construction skills but not with wood. I guess it's a material thing. It has never been my medium. Give me a bag of cement -- I use to work pylon construction -- and I'm away. 

I can sculpt in clay or papier mache. I can build puppets and masks. I can landscape in mode of Capability Brown ...but give me a piece of wood...and I'm all at sea. 

But then, there you have it: I have now got myself a wooden canoe which will soon be ready for painting. 

Once launched I will tackle the challenge of rigging the sail by relying on whatever skills I may now possess.
The irony is that I wasn't sure that I could even paddle a boat because of my chronic illness. But two years ago I bought myself a cheap plastic kayak and proved to myself that I could indeed mess about in  a boat. I rigged it  and taught myself to sail. Yes indeed -- The Flying Crutchman has taught me heaps. But I realised it has limitations -- being, as it was, made from plastic and short and stubby. So I started to consider my options and counted my pennies. As it turns out, this project will cost me under $500 and the canoe I'll get would have a value of over $1600 -- given current prices. I'm happy with my choices.