18 June, 2013

Outrigger Design II : doubling up

After resupplying my build, I forged ahead a made a double outrigger today for the Pirogue.                               

Tomorrow I take it out upon the waters. [Click on image for enlarged view].

I think I have ticked a lot of boxes but I may not have engineered the design so that it actually works. It may do a couple of things but then there may be side effects. The floats could submerge and drag the craft sideways or over.The forces on the arms may be too great or they are too flexible to stand up to the lean and dip driven by wind and waves. On the other hand the floats may be suspended such that they are out of the  water and of limited balancing use.

But then I can always pull it apart and rebuild...

'Tis an interesting feature of the poling traditional that the preferred length of a pole used for pushing canoes and barges along waterways is 10-12 feet. So the marker, 'I wouldn't touch it with a 12 foot barge pole!" has substance. Having just created a 12 foot barge pole I know my onions. I should point out that I'm seeking to touch bottom and if you are , say, one day poked in the ribs by one end of my 12 foot pole you'll know that you are within my circle of trust. But I find travelling with a 12 foot barge pole to social events is burdensome.I used to use a 8 foot pole and 8 feet just isn't long enough -- if you know what I mean -- navigationally or socially. So I strung some tent stays together and if waterwise-ing it at 12 feet suits me, I have my eye on a lovely piece of Tasmanian Oak.