26 June, 2021

The Hanbo vs my other sticks (Jo and Kali)

The epitome of a wacking stick: the hip high Hanbo.
My drill sizes are Kali stick > Hanbo > Jo staff.
My Hanbo could be a thicker gauge to be proper --ouch! -- but this one moves through the air with a lot of power and a threatening whoosh!.

The Kali stick is as long as my arm. The Jo staff comes up to my armpit...and the Hanbo is your standard walking cane/stick height(that is to your hip). Mine is made from layered bamboo that began life, like my Jo, as an Oates mop handle.
For those not in the know, I appreciate the Hanbo because it seems not to be contaminated by Kendo et al -- which means it isn't designed for fighting against swords.
Given that this is the 21st century, I thought the likelihood I'd be accosted by a villain wielding a sword ('Kill Bill' franchise notwithstanding) was very slim.
The Hanbo is designed for arm breaking, knee capping and head bonking.
And, like the other sticks, has a range of drills/katas/ and aficionados you can imitate and  practice. To locate its usage within the martial arts spectrum -- the Hanbo has been adopted by Bujinkan Ninjutsu.
It is deployed in similar mode to the Irish Antrim Bata (just think Shillelagh) ...
The Hanbo also suggests that Granny could become a lethal weapon.
I now have to choose which stick to use, when.
Unfortunately, I love all my sticks. Each requires a different skill set. The main difference is that the Jo is generally a two handed stick. -- and that raises a lot of possibilities in way of deflection. The other two -- the Hanbo and Kali -- also require you to work in close which isn't my preferred way to defend my good self. I'm thinking I have more control over my physical health at a distance.
If I seek to kill someone or maim them -- I suspect the Hanbo offers the bitterest blow. That's despite my Hanbo being of  narrower gauge than the punitive norm and  cut from the same material as my Jo. 
For walking about the 'hood  I still prefer my Jo as a walking stick as the Hanbo isn't so easily twirled. 
Indeed, I can use the Jo in place of the other two sizes with very little adaption to length required -- that is, once I worked out how to use the Hanbo instead of the Kali stick for many Kali stick moves. 
But once I master some chosen Jo and Hanbo katas anydifference are sure to be less pronounced.